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Cable car

Cable car

Cable car, Sugarloaf, Rio de Janeiro
To reach the summit, passengers take two cable cars. The first ascends to the shorter Morro da Urca, 220 meters high. The second car ascends to Pao de Acucar. The Italian-made bubble-shaped cars offer passengers 360-degree views of the surrounding city. The climb takes three minutes from start to finish. Departures are available every 20 minutes between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm to Pao de Acucar. It is no longer possible to hike halfway up to Morro da Urca and then take the cable car up to the top of Sugarloaf Mountain. The Morro da Urca ticket office closed December 10, 2013. Hikers who attempt to ride the cable car at Morro da Urca will be turned around and told to hike all the way back down to the bottom station to purchase a ticket. (Wikipedia)
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