Easy for novice, powerful for experienced users

Complex Navigations

Every slider can have multiple navigations and every navigation slider can also have navigation buttons

The main slider has a slide-based image navigation that is displayed in a nested slider and the nested slider has a page-based navigation


The main slider has a slide-based navigation that displays post titles and descriptions and placed in a nested slider. This nested slider has a slide-based image navigation that is also displayed in a nested slider. And this nested slider has a page-based navigation.

Navigation buttons > Navigation Type: Custom
Nested slider navigation settings:
Slide Settings > Slide Width: 240
Slide Settings > Post Template: Slider - title and excerpt
Navigation buttons > Navigation Type: Image without border
Nested slider navigation settings:
Slide Settings > Media Width: 120
Slide Settings > Media Height: 40
Navigation buttons > Navigation Type: disc
Navigation buttons > Navigation Unit: page

The main slider has two navigation sliders. One that displays post titles and descriptions and another one that displays post thumbnails. Additionally, both navigation sliders have a page-based navigation.


How to create this slideshow:

You need to create two slideshows: one that controls the main slider and the bottom navigation, and another one that controls the navigation at the top. The bottom navigation is an image navigation that is placed in a nested slider and it has a page-based disc navigation.

The top navigation is a slideshow called 'Navigation top disc' in the example (see the slider_navigation shortcode in the slideshow template below). It uses the same slideshow template to move the navigation to the top as the slideshow on the 'Slideshow and Post templates'page. The slides (title and description) are diplayed with one of the predefined post templates (Slider - Title and excerpt). Finally, it has a page-based disc navigation.

The slideshow template:
[slider_navigation slideshow="navigation-top-discs" type="custom" /]
        [slider_buttons_wrapper type="autoplay" class="abspos autohide"]
            [slider_button type="play" /]
            [slider_button type="pause" /]
        [slider_button type="prev" class="abspos center" /]
        [slider_button type="next" class="abspos center" /]
        [slider_timeline /]
[slider_navigation /]

More on navigations

This is a demo site for the Dottoro Slider,
which is part of the Dottoro WordPress Theme